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What I Do

I CARE, my blog posts

I've always been reflective, wondering how various parts of my life fit together.

The root of who I am can be summed up in one phrase.

I care.

What caring means to me is truly seeing you and the gifts you have to offer. Teaching you how to utilize those gifts and share them with the world around you.

You see, doing things for others is a 1 time deal but teaching them is a gift that can spread beyond one person's scope and last longer than one person's lifetime.

I'm an open book but to be a well written book I must organize myself into chapters.

Once a week I will write on each of the topics below, if you are subscribed to my email list you will receive a weekly email with each chapter tucked inside. (not subscribed to my blog? Email me here)

What are these chapters and how will they benefit me?

My core beliefs are to honor and respect mind, body and spirit. This has manifested itself through tips, tricks, musings and even courses in the hopes you become an even better version of yourself.

My chapters will revolve around the acronym CARE.

C - Career: With 15+ years in corporate america working with budgets, processes, people and the politics of it all I will share a tip or trick each week to help streamline your time, team and career aspirations for a promotion or a completely new venture.

A - Awareness: In order to be a productive person everyone must have a level of self awareness. In this section you will learn how to look inward to search for meaning in the most mundane and inconspicuous places. Because I prefer to teach through storytelling you will learn through my life experiences - the good, the bad and the ugly.

R - Recipes: While this topic may seem off the wall (and something I personally struggled with for years to relate to my purpose) it is a large part of my mission. Good food, good for you, made simply is a way I feed my mind, nourish my body and awaken my soul. Deep right? And all from cooking. My hope here is to demystify this activity and help you see the power of food in your life. But also to provide simple time-tested recipes that the worst cook could make.

E - Enrich: When a person chooses to enrich themselves they are no longer average. It's not enough for me to share small life hacks when you may need more. Once a week I will highlight courses and one on one sessions I offer to elevate your career and life through deeper exploration and learning.


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