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A Recipe For Worth

Recipe for worth

When you think of the term worth what comes to mind?

This week I've talked about negotiating your salary and I've also given you a roadmap to finding your own self-worth.

But there are other questions you ought to consider around worth, and the majority of us unconsciously make decisions with little to no regard for these. When in fact our answers speak volumes about how we genuinely value ourselves.

The next decision you have to make take a second and run through this recipe for worth to make sure you are living the worth you want.

Feel free to print these out and keep them handy in your recipe box. We keep recipes for our favorite foods, why not for our favorite ways of thinking.

Is it worth my time?

I want to start here as most of us don't put a real value around this category. If you're in a billable hour role you view this as "time is money".

Except, you can get more money, you cannot get more time.

Instead, ask yourself

What do I stand for and how do I want to spend my time honoring that?

Is it worth my effort?

I have many clients that get caught up in the effort of an activity, how many steps it will take to attain a goal, certification, job opportunity.

Remember, everything on earth takes effort and the most enjoyable rewards come from extreme efforts.

Instead, ask yourself

If I choose NOT to put forth my effort, what will my outcome look like?

Is it worth my money?

Have you ever looked at your salary after taxes? Have you then taken that number and divided by the amount of hours you truly work? You will quickly see the hourly rate is a fraction of what you thought.

This new hourly amount should become more valuable to you as it's what you legitimately have to earn to provide for your family, goals, lifestyle and charitable contributions.

Instead, take the amount you're thinking of spending and divide it by your newly calculated hourly wage. Now, ask yourself is it worth ______ hours of my work?

Bottom line: Your time, effort and money are valuable. They can help you attain the most lofty goals or cause you emotional and financial ruin.

How much are you worth?

Is it Worth it?

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