It's easy to talk about the day I had my first child, when I got married or when I landed my first job. What's harder to write about is the experience that left a scar but taught me the greatest lesson.
I married my high school sweetheart at the age of 22. I thought there was no way I could ever love or be loved more.
Then I graduated from college and began working. For the first time in my life I was valued for my brains instead of my looks. Being seen as smart was intoxicating to me. One thing lead to another and at the age of 25 I had an affair.
Not able to look myself or my husband in the eye I told him and also ended the marriage.
In the wake of this decision I experienced just how far my unfaithful fire spread. I not only burned my husband but my entire extended family. In this hard season of my life I learned that each decision made in a person's life has a ripple effect, each ripple touching someone else.
While this story took place almost 11 years ago it was a turning point in my life. At the age of 26 I chose to stop the ripples of pain but instead create waves of positive change.
You may or may not like my writing style or my topic choices but I know this is why I'm here. Each series is my wave and Wave on wave I'll produce good in this world.